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Copyright Notice

The Listening Library: Beaver County and/or its creative media partners retain and manage copyright control of any and all content on this website or associated media sites of ownership or control.

Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site and elsewhere produced by the Listening Library: Beaver County and/or its creative media partners is protected by copyright law. Such content is not in the public domain and may hold additional copyright restrictions not listed here.

The commercial and/or unauthorized use of media content produced by the Listening Library: Beaver County and/or its creative media partners is prohibited.

Under certain circumstances and by mutual agreement, the Listening Library: Beaver County and/or its creative media partners may share copyright control with collaborative media creators, partners, or projects. Copyright protections listed here or defined elsewhere apply.



According to this copyright notice, we encourage the public sharing of content created by the Listening Library: Beaver County and published on this website and associated media sites. However, when publishing, republishing, or sharing media, please include attribution to “The Listening Library: Beaver County.”

If known, also mention the specific creator's name, responsible for the media, such as the photographer, author, or videographer.


  © The Listening Library: Beaver County

Source: The Listening Library: Beaver County

Courtesy of The Listening Library: Beaver County

Photo: Erin Ninehouser/Restbelt Mayberry Photography for the Listening Library: Beaver County

Video: Human City Creative for the Listening Library: Beaver County

Audio: Kevin Farkas/TSVP for the Listening Library: Beaver County



Events sponsored by the Listening Library: Beaver County and/or its creative media partners may have similar copyright restrictions. We proceed in reliance upon this notice and participants’ consent-by-participation in connection with our media production activities.

Unless stipulated by prior agreement, we assume that participants/attendees at events sponsored by the Listening Library: Beaver County consent to be filmed, photographed, or audio recorded. 


Participants/attendees consent to the Listening Library: Beaver County and/or creative media partners using their image, voice, and name without limitation or restriction, and without payment of any kind, for all purposes, in connection with any other production (including without limitation, the advertising and promotion thereof), in perpetuity, in any and all languages, formats, manner, media, devices, processes and technologies, now known and later devised.

For more information about our copyright policy and procedures, please contact us at  


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